Understanding the Transatlantic Policy Debate

T-PAGE aims to facilitate transatlantic dialogue between civil society from the US and Europe on two themes- climate change and marine protected areas (MPAs). The aim of the dialogue on MPAs is to enable environmental leaders in the US and Europe to identify, discuss, and analyse the perceived priorities in the US and EU on marine protected areas, how they compare and contrast, and where there is potential for collaboration on both sides of the Atlantic on advancing this issue.

As background to this transatlantic dialogue, IEEP and NRDC produced two reports that review the legislation establishing MPAs in Europe and the US; the implementation of MPAs and some of the challenges faced on both sides of the Atlantic.

EU actions on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

US actions on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

These reports served as background papers for the first transatlantic teleconference on MPAs under T-PAGE held in June 2007. This meeting was attended by selected representatives from EU and US NGOs and academia and was held to discuss some of the key issues in the implementation of MPAs in the EU and US.