
What is Make it Work?

The Make it Work Project is an initiative by The Netherlands (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment), the UK (Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs), Sweden (Ministry of Environment and Energy) and Czech Republic (Ministry of the Environment). Germany (Federal Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety) particpated in Make it Work as lead country for the subject matters environmental compliance assurance and environmental reporting (2014-2016). The aim of the project is to identify concrete opportunities to improve the quality of EU environmental law and thus help to achieve the benefits associated with the law while delivering a more level playing field across the EU. In particular, it aims at establishing a more coherent and consistent framework for the EU environmental acquis through developing drafting principles on the use of cross-cutting instruments and procedures in EU environmental directives and regulations. MiW aims at delivering environmental outcomes more efficiently and effectively, without lowering existing protection standards. Principles drawn up will ensure the protection of the environment.

To kick of the project a discussion document was developed. This was discussed at an international expert workshop, held in Brussels in April 2014, which was the official start of the project.

Why this website?

This site acts as a dissemination platform for project outcomes:

>  drafting principles and other guidance material developed throughout the project are provided per subject area under Subjects

>  the Events page provides working documents, presentations, minutes and other material from the Make it Work expert workshops, conferences and high level meetings

>  there is a Newsletter section providing news about the project.

 Watch our video introduction to Make it Work.