Natural Resources & Waste

Our Work

European policies addressing resource use include waste legislation, product policy based primarily on eco-design, and sustainable consumption and production. Rather than merely dealing with waste once it is generated, such policies are an ongoing attempt to use resources more efficiently from the outset. IEEP continues to increase its portfolio of projects on natural resources, undertaking research into natural resource use, policies for resource efficiency, and promotion of the circular economy.

IEEP uses a broad definition of ‘resources’ that includes land, soils, air, water, biodiversity, raw materials and products. We have a range of experience across a variety of relevant areas, including Agriculture and Land Management, Industrial Pollution and Environmental Governance, and are well-equipped to deal with specific project work in all of these areas. IEEP’s recent work in resource use includes contributing to studies on decoupling the environmental impact of resource use from economic growth, scenarios for EU resource use targets, the EU’s product and organisational ecological footprint methodology, and sustainable consumption tools.

Regarding work in this area, please contact Emma Watkins.

Latest in Resource Use


  • EU Natural Resources policy: Signposts on the roadmap to sustainability

    The EU is committed to building improved resource efficiency into its economic strategy, starting with a “roadmap” this year. A new paper from the Institute sets out the challenges, reviews the mixed results of previous EU policy in this area and suggests a number of ways forward. Both a broad vision and an array of practical policy initiatives are required.