IEEP Books and Publications  [PDF version]

With its publications, IEEP contributes to disseminating information and insights on environmental policy and environment-related topics.


EU Environmental Policy: Its journey to centre stage – Nigel Haigh - December, 2015

Having been created for reasons quite unconnected with the environment, the EU has been given a compelling new justification by the success of its environment policy. A leading authority on the development and implementation of EU environmental policy, former IEEP Director and current Senior Fellow, Nigel Haigh, traces the evolution of the EU’s environmental policy from obscurity to centrality and shows how a number of factors have put environmental policy at the forefront of EU policy. The book also contextualises the issues throughout its history and offers insight into the future role of the EU in environmental matters.

Benefits of marine protected areas in the context of EU’s Natura 2000 network - 24 August 2015

A scoping study by IEEP outlines a step-wise methodology to assess the overall benefits provided by the EU’s marine Natura 2000 network.

Establishing an EU ‘Guardian for Future Generations’ - 28 September 2015

Do future generations get a fair deal from the policy decisions we make now? A new IEEP report for the World Future Council suggests not. 

Carbon pricing – Design, Experiences and Issues - September, 2015

This book considers the design of carbon taxes and examines the consequential outcomes of different taxation compositions as regulatory instruments. IEEP’s experts Sirini Withana and Patrick ten Brink have authored a chapter exploring options to motivate environmental tax reform through coalitions of like-minded countries.